Sunday, 25 November 2012


My name is Keeley Jones, I'm a woman and I love porn. Wow, that was  liberating! 

Ok, so I know a few women that openly admit to indulging now and again.  I also know a few that go through the motions of watching on occasion with their partners, but wouldn't know a bukkake if it hit them in the face (sorry, I couldn't resist). Undoubtedly I probably know a lot of women that would just never admit to it, which is perfectly acceptable, it's a private matter and more often than not it's the illicit edge to pornography that makes it so exciting.

Statistically 30% of online traffic to porn sites is made up of women and it's on the rise.  Does that surprise anyone?  I automatically raised that in my mind by at least 5% for the women who fibbed about it on whatever survey came up with those stats.  

Don't get me wrong I'm no addict, I'm sure for a select few, be it guy or girl, the addictive nature of porn has become a problem for them.  I'd say I'm like most guys, in the sense I go through stages, you can become desensitised after a while, so it's always good to take a break.  I'm also in the position that due to my line of work, it's almost a necessity, you know for research purposes ;-)

It surprises me that it still seems to be a taboo subject for a lot of people. And quite honestly irritates me that so much of the industry is geared towards men alone. I'd love to know peoples thoughts on this, please feel free to leave a comment below. On that note I'm off to do some research.....

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